Corridor Transit Services Help Get Out The Vote
Election Day is just over a week away. Not only is it your right to vote, it is your civic duty if you are eligible. But for some, it's not always easy to get to the polls.
The Iowa City and Cedar Rapids bus services are helping by offering free rides on all buses all day on Tuesday, November 6.
The Gazette reports Cedar Rapids Transit will offer free rides on Election Day . Route information is available here. Learn more from the City of Cedar Rapids' Facebook page below.
You will NOT need proof of voter registration to participate, although of course you may need it at the polling station so bring it along. You can locate your voting location here. Go to the Iowa City Transit website to find the best bus route to your polling place there. Bus drivers will be able to help with route information as well.
If you can't find a bus or other transportation, download Uber and you will be sent a promo code for a discounted or free ride on Election Day, according to their website.
It's great that these services are offering those with the right to vote, but barriers that keep them from doing so, with an opportunity for free or cheap transportation to the polls. Make sure you take advantage of it.
Polls in Iowa are open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Election Day.
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