Cedar Rapids Police Taking Part in Stepped Up Law Enforcement
Beginning Monday, Cedar Rapids Police will be out in force, looking closely for one type of violation.
Monday, May 22 through Sunday, June 4 Cedar Rapids officers will be joining the Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau's initiative to enforce seat belt usage.
According to a release from Public Safety Communications Coordinator Greg Buelow, only one person died on Iowa roads during last year's Memorial Day weekend, while 11 were killed in 2009 and 9 in 2012. This year's goal is, obviously, zero, and seat belt usage is a key.
Approximately 94 percent of Iowans use seat belts, one of the highest percentage in the entire nation (good job, people). Buckle yours and you'll definitely avoid a ticket over the next couple weeks. However, more importantly, if you're in an accident you're a whole lot more likely to survive if you're buckled up.
[via Cedar Rapids Police]
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