Can You Take A Selfie At The Polls?
It's kind of a thing now to take a selfie no matter where you are and what you're doing, including at the polls while voting on Election Day. That's OK to do, say experts, on a few conditions.
Take your selfie of yourself only. Make sure no one else is in it because you might be considered interfering with others in the voting process. You can also take a photo of yourself next to a "Vote Here" or "I Voted" sign. Obviously, make sure there's no hint of anyone's completed ballot, including yours, in the picture.
Next, after you vote, get the heck out of there as quick as possible or you might be considered loitering, and again, interfering with others' voting process.
Wear your shirts or stickers for a particular candidate, that's OK too, as long as you don't point it out or talk to people about it inside the polling station. A good rule of thumb is to stay a minimum of 300 feet away from the voting booth before and after you've done your civic duty. Waiting to give someone a ride? 300 feet away, or outside in the car.
I'm against the whole selfie at the poll thing, even if you follow the above rules. Some things are just too important.
It's not as if most of these rules are that strictly enforced, but you don't need to prove to me or anyone else you voted. Just do it tomorrow, when the polls are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Iowa. Find your polling place here.
You can learn more about the Iowa Secretary of State's office's guidelines when you go to the polls here.
[Via Iowa Secretary of State, Gazette]
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