Bruce Aune To Appear On KRNA Morning Show
We have a very special guest this Friday on The KRNA Morning Show!
Bruce Aune, from KCRG-TV 9, will be dropping by the studio around 8 a.m. to chat about his retirement from the news business. His last day on the air will be March 6th, 2020.
I do need some help with the interview. Please comment below and let me know what hard hitting questions we can ask the veteran broadcaster. Bruce is a pro, so I'm sure this will be a pretty easy interview for him!
I moved here in 1996, and I've watched him deliver the news for over 20 years. He's one of the best in the business, and I'm glad he chose Cedar Rapids to call home. He will be missed when he goes off the air next year.
The interview will start shortly after 8 a.m. tomorrow on The KRNA Morning Show.
We hope you can join us!