A British man labeled "The Easter Bunny" by local police after he stole more than $59,000 worth of Cadbury Creme Eggs from a warehouse has been not only caught but has now been sentenced for his crime.


According to court documents, 32-year-old Joby Pool was sentenced in a crown court on Thursday in Shrewsbury.

Pool, who had already served six months while awaiting trial, will spend another six months in prison and then the remainder of the sentence on parole.

He was arrested in February after he used a grinder to break into an industrial park area in Telford (central England) through a fence and then used a truck he also stole to tow away a trailer loaded up with 200,000 Cadbury Creme Eggs and other chocolate goods.

Shortly after, West Mercia Police tweeted, officers stopped a vehicle "presumably purporting to be the Easter bunny" on a highway and arrested a man on suspicion of theft.

Red and blue police lights near a car crash in a city at night.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Prosecutor Owen Beale said Pool didn't try to run, but just gave up when he realized police were after him.

Mr. Beale said Pool "walked towards the police with his hands up". He was arrested and the load was recovered.

In February he pleaded guilty to theft, criminal damage and driving without insurance.

Read more at ABC

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