91% Of Iowans Who Ask Are Receiving Breaks On Credit Card Payments
A lot of people are struggling financially right now. It's understandable as more and more Americans are out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But it appears if you need extra time to make a credit card payment, or pay rent/mortgage, all you need to do is ask.
According to a study published in PR Newswire, 91% of people who have asked to pause their mortgage or credit card payments, or pay a little less, have been approved. While it's no fun to be unable to make a payment, if money is tight and you haven't done that yet, look into it. But again remember, you need to ask. You cannot just assume your credit card company will know your situation. Ask them. Call a rep or send an email. You'll be glad you did. And chances are, they'll understand.
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