Why Are Iowan Millennials Suffering Higher Rates of Depression?
A recent study by Blue Cross Blue Shield says Iowans - specifically millennials - are suffering more from depression than their counterparts in the rest of the nation.
The millennial generation is comprised of 73 million Americans born between 1981 and 1996. The study by Blue Cross Blue Shield was published in April 2019.
Citing the report, the Gazette wrote "millennials living in the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City area were diagnosed with depression at a higher rate than the rest of the state in 2017. Researchers drew this conclusion by studying claims data from more than 40 million commercially insured individuals."
Some of the top health conditions impacting millennials are depression, substance use disorder, and Type 2 diabetes. The prevalence rate for these conditions compared to the national average was also revealed in this report.
With worries of student loan debt, along with the stress of jump starting careers and families in this era of social media overload, perhaps its not surprising that millennials are more at risk of being struck by these health issues at a higher rate than previous generations.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association will release proposed initiatives at a national Health of America conference in November of this year. The information will be gleaned from recent forums and meetings that were held to identify crucial next steps designed to improve millennial health.