Who Has The Cheapest Beer In The Country?
I came across a pretty interesting article today from The Detroit Press. The article talks about a study that Thrifty Living put together. This VERY IMPORTANT research was to find out what state sells the cheapest 24-pack of beer.....You had me at hello.
If you want to get the best price on beer, it looks like you have to travel to Producer Mike's home state of Michigan. The average 24-pack price in the "Great Lakes State" is just $14.62. That's not bad! California was right behind them at $14.87.
The most expensive beer in the nation is NOT from the state of Iowa. Pennsylvania gets that honor with 24-packs costing $21.98. That's crazy talk right there! I would be forced to move if it was that bad here in the "Hawkeye State."
Speaking of Iowa, we fall right in the middle at $17.81 per case. Basic math tells me that's just .74 cents per can..... I'm not complaining, even I can afford that.
Special thanks to the Detroit Free Press and Thrifty Living for this wonderful report.
Now, go buy some damn beer!
[Source: Detroit Free Press]