Who Has the Best Donuts in Cedar Rapids?
Donut Wars have arrive in Eastern Iowa.
And not just at the traditional bakeries. Coffee shops and convenience stores have recently upped their game when it comes to serving up the breakfast treats.
We all have our favorites. And there is no shortage of supply. Donuts are everywhere.
But store packaged brands like Hostess, and even top-shelf Entenmann's donuts just cannot compare to a freshly baked creation.
So who makes the best donuts in Cedar Rapids? And which is better: pastry or cake? Jelly or cream filled? Sprinkles or a drizzle design?
Now this is important research! Let's get your feedback, tell us which donut you think is tops in Cedar Rapids.
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Iowa's favorite grocery store Hy-Vee has a big bakery that offers a selection worthy of contention in our Donut Wars.
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Skip the powdered Little Debbie's and stick to the good stuff. Casey's has shelves of fresh donuts daily.
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The store has it's own version of the classic glazed, it's simplicity at its finest.
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The hometown hero when it comes to Donuts in Cedar Rapids has been around since 1961.
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Dunkin makes the list not because it's a national brand, but in spite of it. They've done more to advance the joy of donuts for decades.