When This Is All Over, Let’s Book AC/DC At Kinnick Stadium
Life isn't very fun right now. Everything is closed, we miss our friends and the world is pretty much turned upside down. If you ask me, it all really sucks.
But it won't last forever, and we WILL get back to normal. When normalcy resumes, it will be time to throw party. Not just any party, it needs to be big party.... I mean really big!
My idea may be a little far fetched, but why not? The University of Iowa has deep pockets and a huge venue. With that said, let's bring AC/DC to Iowa City!
It only makes sense, everyone loves the band and "Back in Black" is basically the theme song for the Iowa football team. Since 2005, that tune has been blared throughout the stadium as the team leaves the locker room and on to the field.
When the band performs the song, they could have the Iowa football team on the stage with them. Everyone would go crazy. Imagine hearing "Back in Black" in Kinnick Stadium. It would be huge!
AC/DC is also the perfect choice because everyone loves their music. My mother can even sing along to a few of their songs. This would be a sellout for sure and everyone would love it.
I'm thinking late August, on a Saturday night. Tickets should be a flat $75.00 with general admission seating. Throw a local opener on and we've got a show!
What do you think? Comment below and we can discuss.
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