Unemployed Iowans to Receive Extra $600 Each Week
Unemployed Iowans will see a significant boost to their weekly check, beginning later this week.
This morning, Beth Townsend, the Director of Iowa Workforce Development, announced in a tweet (below) that unemployed Iowans will see the $600 weekly bonus benefit for the first time this week. Townsend said that those with debit cards will have access to the money on Thursday while direct deposits to account will happen on Friday.
The $600 payments will continue through July 25 and are retroactive to March 29. That means there are a couple of weeks of bonuses that will still need to be paid. Just when that money will go out hasn't been determined. Townsend told the Des Moines Register,
Our priority was to establish the process to be able to pay the benefits each week moving forward. Now that process has been established and is working, we will work to make the retroactive payments which will take another process.
According to USA Today, more than 164,000 people have filed for unemployment in Iowa since mid-March. That's nearly one of every ten workers in the state.
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