Cedar Rapids Trick-or-Treat Weather Forecast for Halloween!
The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities has forecast this Halloween to be, well, NORMAL. It should be sunny with highs perhaps reaching the lower 50s during the day, and the low temperature that night – as we welcome in the month of November – should be right around the freezing point. Again, quite normal.
The ‘normal’ high temperature on Halloween in Cedar Rapids is 54*. However, in 2020, All Hallows Eve was rather warm, with a high of 65*.
All-time record high (since 1893) for Halloween in Cedar Rapids is 86* set in 1950. The high temperatures on Halloween have only reached into the 80s just THREE times since 1893, most recently in 1968. As for high temps making it to the 70s in Cedar Rapids, it has only achieved that figure just 13 times on Halloween, most recently in 2008, according to data from the Iowa Environmental Mesonet.
The coldest HIGH temp for Halloween was a chilly 29* in 1917. Brrrr.
When I was a kid trick-or-treating in the 1980s, it felt like it rained (or snowed) EVERY HALLOWEEN --- and it nearly did. From 1981-1987 it rained on EVERY Halloween and eight of the 10 years that decade. More recently, it has only rained (or snowed) on Halloween 11 times in the past 30 years and, overall, 46% of all Halloweens since 1893 have featured some sort of precipitation.
The main point to take from all of this is that tell your kids to bundle up on Sunday evening as they collect their treats. Halloween isn’t nearly as fun and memorable with frozen fingers and a runny nose! STAY WARM!
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LOOK: 34 spooky dessert recipes for this Halloween