tik tok

Whoops! Midwestern College Student Moves Into Retirement Home
Whoops! Midwestern College Student Moves Into Retirement Home
Whoops! Midwestern College Student Moves Into Retirement Home
Moving is tough, right? Trying to find the right house in the right neighborhood can be stressful for anyone. I just went through the anxiety-inducing experience of finding an apartment here in Iowa. This one Midwestern college student ran into a bit of an issue when she moved into her new apartment.
Eastern Iowa Man Takes Cow To Dairy Queen [VIDEO]
Eastern Iowa Man Takes Cow To Dairy Queen [VIDEO]
Eastern Iowa Man Takes Cow To Dairy Queen [VIDEO]
This hilarious video of an Iowan farmer taking his cow for a drive went viral, and it turns out the Tik Tok team is closer than we thought. Mason, the man in the video is from Jesup, IA, and his bovine friend is named Gucci.