Florida Man Arrested After Trying To Cross Atlantic In Hamster WheelFlorida Man Arrested After Trying To Cross Atlantic In Hamster WheelA man in Florida is facing federal charges after he was caught about 70 miles off the coast of Georgia in a giant, homemade hamster wheel. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Florida Cop Jumps Overboard In Real-Life Stunt To Stop Runaway BoatFlorida Cop Jumps Overboard In Real-Life Stunt To Stop Runaway BoatA cop can be seen jumping from one high-speed boat to another to regain control of the unmanned boat careering out of control. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Florida Man Arrested After 100 MPH Chase In A Google Street View CarFlorida Man Arrested After 100 MPH Chase In A Google Street View CarIf you live in Middletown, Indiana and your house is a BLUR on Google Maps, THIS might be why.Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels