Rep. Ashley Hinson Hospitalized in Cedar RapidsRep. Ashley Hinson Hospitalized in Cedar RapidsA televised debate has been canceled due to Rep. Hinson being hospitalized.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Eastern Iowa Native Needs Immediate Organ TransplantEastern Iowa Native Needs Immediate Organ TransplantWyoming, Iowa native Lisa Cantwell needs a new kidney, and she needs it fast.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
White Sox Fan Donates Kidney To Save Cubs FanWhite Sox Fan Donates Kidney To Save Cubs FanIn spite of baseball's unwritten rule about Cubs and Sox fans hating each other for eternity, a Cubs fan is alive today because of the gift of life from a Sox fan.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil