You’ll See A Lot of Creepy Clowns in Iowa on HalloweenYou’ll See A Lot of Creepy Clowns in Iowa on HalloweenIf you haven't already picked out your costume, there's one you may want to avoid if you want to stand out at the party.DanielleDanielle
Will Creepy Clowns Return?Will Creepy Clowns Return?While reports of creepy clown sightings in 2017 have been lower than in 2016, they're still out there.Mike FerrisMike Ferris
Remember When Clowns Weren’t Terrifying?Remember When Clowns Weren’t Terrifying? Remember when someone dressed up like a clown and it didn't creep you out? What happened?Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Fatal Stabbing of Clown ReportedFatal Stabbing of Clown ReportedClowns have been sighted in every state including Iowa for the past few weeks.Jon BiegenJon Biegen
‘Doo-Doo The Clown’ Springs Into Action When He Sees a Man Going Nuts [Video]‘Doo-Doo The Clown’ Springs Into Action When He Sees a Man Going Nuts [Video]Two Toronto women's lives may have been saved by a clown. A clown named 'Doo-Doo'.Free Beer and Hot WingsFree Beer and Hot Wings