What’s The Cost Of A Margarita In Iowa?What’s The Cost Of A Margarita In Iowa?How much do margaritas cost in Iowa?GabeGabe
The Best Cedar Rapids Mexican Restaurants to Celebrate Cinco de MayoThe Best Cedar Rapids Mexican Restaurants to Celebrate Cinco de MayoWe all know there are a TON of Mexican restaurants here in Cedar Rapids, which makes deciding on a place to celebrate Cinco de Mayo a little difficult.CourtlinCourtlin
How To Make A Weekend Of Mint Juleps and MargaritasHow To Make A Weekend Of Mint Juleps and MargaritasThe Kentucky Derby and Cinco De Mayo are this weekend and your drinks can reflect these traditions.Ryan McCreddenRyan McCredden
Several Tortilla Chip Brands Recalled Before Cinco de MayoSeveral Tortilla Chip Brands Recalled Before Cinco de MayoWell that couldn't have come at a worse time. DanielleDanielle
Saturday Brings Cinco de Mayo and Kentucky Derby Fun to Solon Saturday Brings Cinco de Mayo and Kentucky Derby Fun to Solon Join Unbridled Spirits fundraiser at Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant in Solon at 3:00 p.m.Mike FerrisMike Ferris
The Top Rated Mexican Restaurants In Cedar Rapids [LIST]The Top Rated Mexican Restaurants In Cedar Rapids [LIST]In honor of Cinco de Mayo, check out the top rated Mexican restaurants in Cedar Rapids! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
The Marion Hy-Vee is Hosting a Nacho-Eating Challenge on FridayThe Marion Hy-Vee is Hosting a Nacho-Eating Challenge on FridayWho out there thinks they love nachos as much as Courtlin?!CourtlinCourtlin
Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At One Of These Area Mexican Restaurants! [LIST]Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At One Of These Area Mexican Restaurants! [LIST] One of the great things about the Cedar Rapids area is all the great Mexican restaurants we have to choose from!941krna941krna
Iowans Celebrate May 5! [VIDEO]Iowans Celebrate May 5! [VIDEO] Who is going to be the one that breaks through to the candy? Watch and find out.941krna941krna