Iowa Wide Receiver Suspended One Game Following OWI ArrestIowa Wide Receiver Suspended One Game Following OWI ArrestIhmir Smith-Marsette was arrested early Sunday morning on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
U of I Administrator Arrested For Drunk DrivingU of I Administrator Arrested For Drunk DrivingA new associate dean was arrested for drunk driving with his kids in the car, on the same day he interviewed for the job.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Someone Else was Just Arrested for Licking Ice CreamSomeone Else was Just Arrested for Licking Ice CreamIt's stories like these that make me question the power of social media...CourtlinCourtlin
This Iowa Teacher Couldn’t Wait For Christmas Break to Have a CocktailThis Iowa Teacher Couldn’t Wait For Christmas Break to Have a CocktailAn Iowa middle school gym teacher couldn't wait for Christmas Break to have cocktails. Arrested at school. Captain JackCaptain Jack