Sixx: A.M. are indeed on their way back after Nikki Sixx teased back in December that he was shooting a music video with the band. During a chat with the Build Series about his other prominent project at the moment, Motley Crue's The Dirt film, Sixx served up some details about what's going on with Sixx: A.M. as well.

"I've just done four new songs with Sixx: A.M.," stated the bassist (see the interview below). "Really magical. I think we're gonna go in and record another song as well. We have a greatest hits that's gonna tie in to the musical. And if there is time, maybe, for Sixx: A.M., we might go out and do — I don't know — a couple of weeks', three weeks' worth of shows, maybe do festivals next year or something."

Just last year, Sixx: A.M. went on "indefinite hiatus," with DJ Ashba and James Michael (the "a" and the "m" in the name) forming a new band called Pyromantic. However, late in 2018, word began to circulate about some new activity for Sixx: A.M., with Sixx now paying off the tease.

Considering that Sixx: A.M. started as a means for Nikki Sixx to provide a musical soundtrack for his book, The Heroin Diaries, the fact that the project evolved to the point of being able to put out a hits collection is a major milestone. During their tenure together, Sixx, Ashba and Michael have five studio albums, including 2016's two-volume Prayers for the Damned and Prayers for the Blessed works.

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