Show us Your Shrooms
Living here in Iowa, I've learned that people are REALLY passionate about mushroom hunting. I'm from Minnesota, we aren't as crazy about shrooms as folks here in the Hawkeye State. But then again, we don't eat a lot of tenderloins either.
From what my buddy Beau told me, mid-April is the best time to find mushrooms in Iowa. This year has been a chilly spring, so the season started a little bit later. That also means the window will be shorter so now's the time to go find 'em!
Since I don't mushroom hunt, I'm hoping to live vicariously through you! I'm not asking you to tell me where you found them, but comment below with a picture of your score.
I'm hoping to put all of the pictures together for one big mushroom blog at the end of the week. All you have to do is comment below and you'll be a part of my story.
Happy hunting!