RAGBRAI 2017 is Coming Soon
The annual bike event RAGBRAI is still a few weeks off in the distance, but RAGBRAI directors and experienced cyclists are already out on the road inspecting the route that runs through Eastern Iowa in late July.
As an added bonus for their efforts, the RAGBRAI inspection team in Cedar Rapids this weekend will get to enjoy several fun activities in our area, including the Kolach Festival in Czech Village.
According to CBS2 News "RAGBRAI Director T.J. Juskieweicz says it’s a great opportunity to troubleshoot the northern Iowa path and make sure everything is set for the 20,000 riders from more than 20 different countries who will eventually pass this way."
Having an event that draws that many participants through Eastern Iowa will bring a positive financial impact into many of these communities, including the ride's ending destination in Lansing, IA.
Plus it's easy to join the fun and to participate in this wonderful fitness workout! Find out more about this year's course and all things RAGBRAI here.
[source: CBS2 News, RAGBRAI.com]