Punks Vandalize New Mt. Trashmore Park
Just one week after it's opening, Cedar Rapids' new Mt. Trashmore park and trails have been closed down due to vandals who defiled park benches and walls with graffiti.
"This is why we can't have nice things" I hear you say and it's hard to disagree.
Punks who have no respect for public property have come in and tagged the structures. They've made a mess of the place, and they're probably thinking how bad ass they are for getting away with it.
Hopefully the city will install some security cameras so there never is a "next time"
But the question remains: Why the hell would anyone want to F%$# UP something that brings value, beauty and class to their hometown?
Losers. That's who.
I say let's install the cameras, and if we catch them next time, lets sentence them to cleaning it all up.
[source: Gazette]
[photos provided by Solid Waste Agency]