President Trump To Visit Iowa
Whether you like him or not, "The Donald" is coming back to Iowa! According to KWWL, "President Trump will be in Dubuque this Thursday."
A tweet was sent out from Congressman Rob Blum that said the following: "Looking forward to hosting @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in my hometown of Dubuque for a round table on Thursday. President Trump was the first nominee to win Dubuque County since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956."
I covered the last election as a camera person and producer for NBC News. If I had to guess, I attended over 35 Trump events. I actually developed a very good relationship with the media relations person for the Trump campaign. We had beers on the road a handful of times, and I really enjoyed working with her. I only talked with Trump once....but I'll save that story for another blog.
I still remember the night of the election. My crew was assigned to a party in Janesville for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. It was late, we had been on the air all night doing live hits for NBC and MSNBC. My reporter, Kelly O'Donnell, said, "let's go, we have one more!"
I turned my camera on and she delivered the news, "This just in, Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States of America." It was surreal for me. Who would have thought they would cut to a camera in the middle of Wisconsin to break that kind of news? I'm just glad the audio worked and my camera was in focus. It was cool...... a moment I'll never forget!
I covered almost every candidate that set foot in the state of Iowa. To be honest, I didn't care who it was. I didn't let the "Politics" of the day get in my way of earning a living. That's what the election was to me - it was a paycheck. I didn't care who was on the stage speaking...I had a job to do.
I covered so many events that they all started to run together. I would forget who I was assigned to cover on most days. It became background noise to me. I cared about making my reporter feel comfortable, shooting good video, and remembering to send an invoice to New York at the end of the week.
I don't argue about politics. Instead, I smile. Right or Left, I got paid a lot of money to chase these idiots all over the great state of Iowa. Hillary, Bernie, Donald, Huckabee, or anybody else. They all came to Iowa...... and at there's a good chance I worked with them.
I'll do my best to update this Trump story in the next few days as soon as we learn more details. I hope to have more information on Monday or Tuesday.
Until then, have a great day! (No matter what side of the fence your on)
[Source: KWWL]