Only 74 Days Till Spring!
If you're reading this article in Florida, I don't like you very much. You see, it's been cold here in Eastern Iowa. I mean, REALLY cold. I can't remember the last time we've had such frigid weather like this here in the Hawkeye State.
According to CBS 2, "Temperatures have been below the freezing mark for 13 straight days. 11 of those days have been below 20 degrees!" This weather is for the birds.....Penquins to be exact!
But I'm here to tell you, it will all be over very soon. Well, kind of. We have just 74 days until the first day of spring. If you ask me, the hardest part is over. The forecasters claims that Saturday we start to warm up and by Sunday we MAY have temps in the 30's....If that happens, it will feel like a damn heatwave! (Break out the shorts)
Look, we'll get thought this. The next 74 days will go fast. Just bundle up, put another log on the fire, and snuggle up next to your sweetie and try to stay warm.....Spring will be here before you know it.