Man Rushed to ER After Penis Stuck in Door, Ends Up On A&E Show
A man and his wife began their night with attempting a fun new way to be intimate, but it ended up going so badly they got featured on a TV show.
Erik decided one morning to role play for his wife. He pretended to be a handsy handyman when he drilled a hole for a door knob.
Sharing their story on TLC's Sex Sent Me to the ER, Erik explained how everything went downhill from there.
He stuck his member through the hole as a joke.
"At that time I thought it was genius, she loves when I'm really goofy," he explained on the show.
From there, they began to have sex through the door, and things were going great until the male enhancement pills Erik had taken kicked in.
His junk stuck in the door, Katie had a genius idea.
"Erik was just in so much pain, but I was thinking that we can finish sex and the swelling will go down," Katie said. At least her priorities were in the right place.
The couple tried to carry on, but the horrible pain Erik was in forced them to call for help. EMTs said because of the pill he took, his penis would just continue to swell inside the hole.
Obviously, they couldn't just pull the sawzall and cut down to his member without risking it, but they also couldn't just leave him in the door with it continuing to swell or he'd risk losing it due to loss of blood.
So, they cut a square around where he was stuck and took him to the hospital.
"The paramedics had to cut a picture frame out of this door to pull my penis out along with the frame of the door," Erik said.
They took him to the ER, where doctors were able to free him from the door.
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