The CBS reality show 'Survivor' returns for Season 40 Wednesday night with two former winners from the Cedar Rapids metro. Denise Stapley of Marion, above left, and Sarah Lacina of Cedar Rapids, above right, have both won $1 million during past seasons.

Stapley, a certified sex therapist, won 'Survivor: Philippines' in 2012. She told CBS about her family motto, partly because of the show:

#GoSeeDo (go places we don't normally get to go, see people we don't normally get to see, do things we wouldn't normally do). Ultimately, it was a reminder that life is too short, so suck it up during the crappy parts, and embrace and appreciate the rest.

Lacina, a Cedar Rapids police officer, will be on the show for the third time in six years. She finished 11th on 'Survivor: Cagayan' in 2014. Three years later, she was the winner of 'Survivor: Game Changers.' My favorite part of her 'Survivor' profile is about who is her inspiration in life. Here's what she said:

Not one specific person, but anyone who is willing to try. If you never try the answer is always no. People who are not afraid of failure because they believe they can succeed inspire me.

The jackpot for 'Survivor at 40: Greatest Moments and Players' is an all-time record for a reality show... $2 million. And the 20 people competing for it have all won at least one season of the show. Sandra Diaz-Twine from Riverview, Florida has won it twice. She's the only person who's done that.

One of the things that keep me watching 'Survivor' season after season is that it's always changing. This season, "fire tokens" are being introduced. According to, they'll "serve as currency on the island and add more complexity to the already intense battle. The new twist allows players to use the tokens to buy advantages to help players stay in the game or get themselves back in the game."

Like me, both Stapley and Lacina have watched 'Survivor' since it started in May of 2000. It's been an amazing and fun 20-year run. I'm glad it's not over. Now, which one of these two do I cheer for?

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