Cedar Rapids To See More Summer Construction Than Ever Before
If orange is your favorite color, then you're going to love this spring and summer in the city of Cedar Rapids!
We're entering the beginning of that special time of year. When winter is gone, spring has sprung, and potholes reign supreme. Yes, it is officially road construction season. Orange signs and cones for as far as the eye can see. And while it slows us down it is a necessary evil to keep the infrastructure in great shape. KCRG reports that during Tuesday's State of the City address, Cedar Rapids Major Tiffany O'Donnell stated that you'll need to "pack your patience" when heading out the door this summer.
You will likely see more construction this summer, and you will likely see more construction this summer than ever before. It will be worth it.
More road work than ever before. More orange than you've ever seen. How is this possible? It is all thanks to the Paving for Progress program. KCRG reports that the program is a 20-year investment of around $20 million a year for public streets in the city. The one percent local option tax was first passed in 2013 and was renewed in 2021. It will continue through 2034. KCRG reports that so far, the city has invested $174 million in improving some 90 miles of roadways.
If you want to see a list of the Paving for Progres projects that are on tap for this spring and summer in Cedar Rapids, you can find the list HERE. And remember to please slow down and obey the posted speed limits in construction zones.