Iowa’s Holiday Drink of Choice? Anything Boozy…
Holiday office parties are a thing of the past. Big, boozy bar gatherings are also out this year. So whatcha gonna to do for fun to ring in 2021?
We asked our listeners who were very creative with their favorite fortified alcoholic beverages.
I thought the top four answers would look something like this:
- Spike gramma's eggnog with a shot of rum
- Boost your cider with a blast of bourbon
- Fill the Punch Bowl with a splash of Sangria
- Add a shot of Schnapps to your Hot Cocoa
But our dear readers have raised the bar. These clever folks have added a few more top choices to fortify their favorite adult beverage this Christmas season.
And if you don't know the potion that makes Milton the Monster so loveable, well check it out here.
Of course there are others whom I've talked to who have voted for their own home-made micro brews. Some enjoy cannabis infused teas and coffees. Several others still favor the hard seltzers and sparkling waters.
For old timers, why not try a new twist on a fancy old fashioned cocktail, like an Old Fashioned or a Dry Martini.
And let's not overlook the obvious. How could we forget the All American standby: Shot and Beer!
Whatever your choice of holiday cocktail please consume responsibly, even if that only means to be sure to be within stepping distance of your sleeping space.