Summer is almost over and school is about to start. Back-to-school shopping has been underway for some time. The kids may dread it, but it's a much-needed reprieve for many parents.

We asked you to tell us: what is your favorite part of back-to-school time?

These first two mince no words! Ouch!

Mike Kibler: I'm a selfish old duffer, I freely admit it, but I secretly enjoy hearing the whining that they (my kids) have to actually get up and function before noon. I'm typically up and out the door by 5:30 am, so, yeah I get kinda jealous of their long lazy summer break.

Mary Johnson: All the brats get out of the street.

Others aren't so harsh:

Marcy Jo DeLarm: Getting the school supplies and we look forward to Homecoming

Alana Bilyeu: Hearing how excited he is about a new teacher and new friends

Katie Corlett: I work at a daycare, so the clearance supplies

Chris Truesdell:  Kids going back to school, quiet in the house

MaKenzie WieselerThe neighborhood kids aren't playing in the street during the day.

Peggy Henderson: Kids start learning again.

Other responses had little to do with the school:

Brianne Ulrich Football!!!

So what do you think? Here's hoping the kids have a great school year, whatever part of it they (or you) may be most looking forward to!


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