Just Wait: Gov. Reynolds is Taking Action Against the New Vaccine Mandate
It's 2021 and you know what that means: the word "vaccine" and the word "mandate" are sure to be in the top 5 for words used during the year. I get why, too. It makes sense, look at the way the year is going to end: a looming vaccine mandate, as announced today.

Essentially, the mandate states any company with 100 or more employees, must ensure all employees are either vaccinated or get tested regularly and wear a mask. However, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds was not happy with this decision.
Iowa will take immediate legal action against the Biden Administration
Governor Reynolds, who is an open supporter of the vaccine and who received it herself, does not agree with the mandate aspect of the order. Via a press release, the governor called it "dangerous and unprecedented". The governor is not alone, KCRG reports Iowa's Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver is calling for the rule to be suspended.
President Biden is taking dangerous and unprecedented steps to insert the federal government even further into our lives while dismissing the ability of Iowans and Americans to make health care decisions for themselves. -Gov. Reynolds
What happens next remains to be seen, though the governor is saying she will take legal action.
More than likely other governors, especially in republican-led states, are likely to join in by calling for the order to be suspended. If it stands as it does now, millions and millions of employees in the U.S. will soon be required to be vaccinated, or they'll have to test regularly and mask up when in the office.
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