Yesterday I Witnessed Something on I-380 I’d NEVER Seen in Iowa
Yesterday on my drive home I witnessed something I had never before seen on a major Iowa highway or interstate. I'm still in a bit of shock, too. I'll share what I saw with you, but first, a little context to why this was such a shock.
I live in Cedar Falls, and work (most days) in Cedar Rapids. So what that means, is a roughly one-hour drive each day from work. A good chunk of that time, let's say 98% of it, is spent on Iowa Interstate 380.
It can be a lot, but when the weather is nice, the drive does go very fast.
One thing I've observed every day when I drive is that no one... let me repeat, NO ONE goes the posted speed limit. The speed limit on 1380 once you pass Evansdale is 70 mph.

Everyone is either going much much faster or bizarrely slower. I am no saint, I average about 6 to 8 miles over the speed limit myself. But trust me when I tell you a vast majority of people passing me doing 85 or better.
Speeding in Iowa, and across the country, has led to increased patrols in some states, and an aggressive radio/TV and web campaign from the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
Now, I will be honest. I never see many Iowa Highway Patrol vehicles aggressively targeting speeders. It's very rare that on either trip, to or from work, I see a single patrol vehicle.
That is until yesterday. What I saw on my drive yesterday happened on the drive home. As I was coming around the turn that bridges I-380 with highway 20 in Evansdale, which I learned from going to Google Maps is called Avenue of the Saints, I saw a vehicle pulled over... by an Evansdale police officer.
Not a shock they nailed someone here as the speed limit drops from 70 to 65. But still, a shock because it's someone pulled over!
That's not all, about 4 miles down the road, still, in Evansdale, I saw another vehicle stopped on an off-ramp. This guy/gal was stopped by a Black Hawk County Sheriff officer.
To quote every infomercial, but wait, there's moooore! Before I reached the Evansdale/Waterloo border, I saw a third vehicle stopped for speeding. Like the first stopped car, this one was pulled over by an Evansdale police car.
I went from seeing an average of zero pulled-over vehicles during a normal week, to three in a roughly 6-mile radius. Needless to say, I went about the speed limit for a bit. After not seeing any more law enforcement the rest of my drive, I figured it was a speed sting isolated to Evansdale.
I did some searching and found no evidence of an announced speed trap, but if that was the case, it was a smart move and could go a long way in slowing down motorists. At least as they pass through Evansdale.
I have never seen this since moving back to Iowa in 2018, four cars stopped in such a short radius. I had seen a similar type of sting (I assume that's what this was) in other states I've lived in, but never here.
Drive safe!