Iowa Police Department Gets Their Suspect With Very Unique Approach
Sometimes a surveillance photo isn't enough. Sometimes you have to do something very different to get the public's attention. Do you agree with their tactics?
The Norwalk, Iowa Police Department took to social media earlier this week to ask for the public's help identifying a woman suspected of stealing from a local Ace Hardware store. They didn't do the usual posting of surveillance photos and simply ask for help identifying her, though. No, they used a huge helping of sarcasm, which certainly did the trick.
The post said, in part, "Hey everybody my team made the NFL Playoffs!!!! I'm the white female carrying the box. I just got a new TV and I needed a wall mount for it... If you know who I am, please tell the cops at 515-222-3321. I think they would like to come over and talk to me while we watch some football. Oh and if you were wondering, we like the STEALers……"
Too much? I say, no. You can't argue with success, especially when it comes to apprending possible criminals. And their tactics absolutely worked. The post was shared more than 500 times and Norwalk Police Chief Greg Staples told the Des Moines Register the woman had been identified by citizens less than an hour after it was posted. The four times Norwalk Police have used this approach, three of four suspects have been identified in under three hours. Well done Norwalk Police!
[via Des Moines Register and Facebook]