Iowa High School Graduation Rate Hits Record High
High school graduation season is nearly upon us. For some, it's the first big step on our way to a larger educational degree. For others, it completes all the education that they want or need. Regardless, I can remember the countdown that went on when I was a senior. Counting down the days until you could walk out those doors forever!
State officials say that more Iowans are graduating from high school than ever before. In fact, Iowa's graduation rate for the 2018-2019 school year was 91.6%. That is an all-time high and up two-tenths of a percent from the class of 2018. In fact, since 2011, Iowa's graduation rate has increased 3.3 percentage points overall, with gains in nearly every demographic group of students.
Graduation rates for Hispanic students have climbed by just over 9% while the rates for African American students have gone up by 8.4%.
None of this is a huge surprise, as Iowa typically has some of the highest graduation rates in the nation. But anytime you can go up, is a great thing!
[via KTIV]