Iowa Foods that Everyone Needs to Try in Their Lifetime
How many of these 18 Iowan/Midwest foods have you had the pleasure of tasting?
According to 'Only in Your State,' there are 18 different foods in Iowa that every person needs to eat before they die. As a person who has only lived in Iowa about a year and a half, there are quite a few things on this list that I have yet to try. Now I am determined to eat them all! Here's the checklist, let's see how many of them (if any) that you've missed:
- Pork Tenderloins
- Iowa Sweet Corn
- Breakfast Pizza
- Maid Rites
- Ham Balls
- Scotcharoos
- Puppy Chow
- Taco Pizza
- Twin Bings (made in Sioux City)
- Blue Bunny Ice Cream (made in Le Mars)
- Pizza with Ranch
- Muscatine Melons
- Anderson Erickson Cottage Cheese
- Pella Bologna
- Dutch letters (at Jaarsma Bakery in Pella)
- Morel Mushrooms
- Steak de Burgo (found in the Des Moines area)
- Sterzing's Potato Chips (made in Burlington)
I've only tried 8 out of 18... ouch! Is there anything else native to Iowa/the Midwest that you think needs to be added to the list? Let us know in the comments!
[Via Only in Your State]
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