Iowa Favorite Christmas Candy Very: Unconventional (and Delicious)
'Tis the season to be jolly, and eat lots of Christmas candy! If you're like me, you like Christmas candy more than other holiday candy. Sure, Valentine's Day is known for chocolate and Easter for creamy eggs. Yes, I realize Halloween is ALL about candy, but Christmas is the candy holiday for me. So when I found out what Iowas favorite Christmas treat was, I was delighted it was something that's actually amazing.
Iowans love a very Christmas-y treat
While I wouldn't label it a candy, it's still a Christmas treat for sure, Iowa's favorite according to Candy Store is Peppermint Bark. Good choice, no? It's not one you can find walking into any Kwik Star or Casey's, but if you come across really good peppermint bark, tell me it's not the greatest thing ever.

So is Iowa original in lovin' peppermint bark? Oh no, we're not. Peppermint bark ranks first in 14 states according to the Candy Store article. That includes fellow midwestern states Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, and Illinois. What was number 2? It was a tie. Candy canes and chocolate Santas each pulled highest in six states. Candy canes are for sure an essential part of Christmas, but it takes about 4 hours to finish one.
So what is your favorite Christmas candy? Is the study spot on? For my wife, it's those chocolate-covered caramel and marshmallow Santa Clauses. I think they're made by Russel Stover if I'm not mistaken. So, my wife would go with the states that chose chocolate Santas.
Gone are the days Christmas candy looked like this:
Other top picks by state include reindeer corn, which is Christmas-colored candy corn. Red and green M&M's and Snickers. Yes, good old Snickers.