Gibson to Donate Guitars To Guitarists Who Lost Instruments in Nashville Tornadoes
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, tornadoes ripped through downtown Nashville and surrounding areas, killing at least 25, and destroying hundreds of homes and businesses.
Known as the "Music City," Nashville is the home to most of the best musicians currently in the recording business, as many recording studios have moved to the area in recent years. It's also home to an uncountable number of guitar stores, and multiple guitar manufacturers.
As the tornado came through, music venues, practice spaces, and homes were damaged beyond repair, some even flattened completely.
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The largest guitar manufacturer that calls Nashville its home, Gibson, has decided it's time to help out those who brought them to where they are today.
Any musicians that lost their instruments in the March 2nd tragedy will be given a demo model, prototype, or shop worn instrument for free, thanks to the Gibson Gives foundation.
“Our goal is to get a guitar back into the hands of anyone who has had their guitar damaged or destroyed in the recent Tennessee storm," Gibson Gives Executive Director Dendy Jarrett said.
Musicians looking to get a hand can reach out to the Gibson Gives Guitar Recovery: donation.request@gibson.com
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