Five Things To Know About the Rainbow House
B.A. Morelli from the Gazette gets answers to all the questions we all have about that cozy, colorful Cape Cod on Eighth Ave SW just off 380. Click here for his full story and a look inside the house.
It's about 100 years old - built in the 1900's and recently refurbished by Gutschmidt Properties. Gutschmidt Properties is making several of these types of investment to help breath life and bring a bit of hope to older, sometimes run-down neighborhoods.
It was a known drug house - its been through hard times, and was described as a "drag on the neighborhood". As you can see things are improving. Gutschmidt Properties has already renovated one unit with a full bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bedrooms.
The "Rainbow House" was originally called the "Clark House" after a former owner. But Eric said the house name and it's colors made it obvious that name wasn't going to happen.
Rainbow House is a duplex and is being renovated for rent - the units are intended to be fully furnished, temporary rentals of a few days up to 30, 60 or 90 days. Kinda cool idea for an AirBnb.
The property is also intended to be offered as free event space, or backdrops for photo shoots, for groups advocating for causes of diversity and inclusion.
There's more to find out about the Rainbow House. Contact Eric Gutschmidt of Gutschmidt Properties. You can email: gutschmidtproperties@gmail.com.