Eastern Iowa Paranormal Experience
Eastern Iowa has it's share of Paranormal experiences and this is my true, documented story of an investigation that I conducted in Davenport, Iowa on October 30th and 31st, 2015.
During that time, I was the Operations Manger of several Davenport radio stations (including WXLP and B100) that are owned by our parent company, Townsquare Media.
The radio stations are located in an old funeral home at 1229 Brady Street. The structure dates back to 1929 and the building was opened just before the Great Depression. The funeral home has since relocated to newer facilities, but left behind more than just it's history.
It has been the home of several radio stations since the 1980's and the stories of strange sounds, unexplained phenomena, and chilling ghost sightings have been part of it's folklore ever since.
Hoping that the Halloween weekend of 2015 could result in some significant paranormal activity, I contacted Rock Island Paranormal, and a local TV station WQAD TV 8 to conducted a thorough investigation.
I also invited two psychic mediums to join us for a seance in the room formerly used as the main viewing parlor.
Over the course of two evenings, we took groups of listeners, researchers and reporters through the former viewing rooms, the parlors, and even toured the former embalming room on the second floor.
We swept through the former chapel area (now converted to the on-air studios,) We covered every square foot of the expansive basement with detail and precision, while the TV station and Rock Island Paranormal documented every sight and sound.
The seance was absolutely chilling. The visitors were quite in the darkened room, and the hosts encouraged any willing ethereal spirits to let themselves be known. Several of our guests claimed to have witnessed visions, and some felt the presence of long-gone loved ones.
Afterward, we published this report.
In the spirit of fairness, I do not want to divulge my personal feelings on whether or not we were successful in discovering any "ghosts". I simply present the evidence to you to decide.
But one thing is certain: I believe the building contains a strong paranormal energy.
[sources: CR Paranormal, Rock Island Paranormal, WQAD TV]