Collins Aerospace, the North Carolina company that employs 9,000 people in Iowa, has announced it will layoff a portion of its workforce.

Not that layoffs are ever a good thing, but the Cedar Rapids Gazette reports that Collins will lay off less than one percent of its total workforce. On top of that, the layoffs won't come from one specific division or location. They will be spread company-wide, according to a Collins spokesperson. Collins, an RTX business, employs nearly 80,000 people worldwide and around 7,000 are based in Cedar Rapids, according to the Gazette. One percent of the workforce would be around 800 workers.

A Collins spokesperson stated that the layoffs are part of an alignment effort. The Gazette reports that Collins is " implementing actions to align its cost structure with the ongoing aerospace recovery." There is no word on when the layoffs will take place or how many Iowa employees might be affected.

Meanwhile, Collin's parent company, RTX Corp., has another issue on its hands. The Gazette reports that they have expanded its recall of its Pratt and Whitney jet engines. Around 3,000 of the engines must be removed over the next three years to check for flawed components made from contaminated metal powder, according to the Gazette. The work will result in an average of 350 aircraft parked per year through 2026. The work could cost the company nearly $7 billion.

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