Cold and Snowy Weather to Hit Eastern Iowa Friday
If the squirrels in your neighborhood have been more active this past week, there is good reason. Winter is arriving early in Eastern Iowa.
Our news and weather partners at CBS2/Fox28 say we can expect cold and snowy weather starting Thursday evening and continuing through Friday with temperatures on Thursday only reaching highs of 37 degrees.
Temperaures will drop into the mid 20's on Thursday night and only rise to highs of 32 degrees on Friday in Cedar Rapids.
And that's when the "S" word comes into this story. SNOW is likely to fall on Thursday night and Friday with a bit of accumulation expected and possibly reaching as high a 2-3 inches of snowfall, according to some weather forecasters.
And with temps only expecting to reach 30 degrees on Saturday, any snow may last for a good portion of the weekend!
Yes, life at the 41st parallel means shorter springs and autumns, and longer winters. It somehow just doesn't seem fair.
At least we still have warm summers.
[surce: KGAN]
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