Brothers Running Across U.S. for ALS Entering Eastern Iowa
Mike Devlin runs more than a marathon every single day (actually 30-35 miles) as he runs across America raising money and awareness for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
Devlin and his younger brother Joey, who follows Mike in a van, were inspired by their late grandmother, who was taken by the horrible disease. Their website, ALSProjectRun, says:
This horrible disease tried to strip our beloved Grandmother of her humanity. It was terrible. It stuck with us. We decided to do something about it.
This project is entirely self-funded. So, that means all of the money we raise will go directly to ALS research. Every. Single. Dollar.
The brothers make their way to Victor today.
Tomorrow, Mike will run to near Walford and Sunday on to Stanwood. Monday it's a run to DeWitt and into the state of Illinois on Tuesday.
The brothers still have 1100 miles to go to make their final destination, New York City. When you see them in eastern Iowa, show your support. Give 'em a honk, a wave, some kind words, or better yet write 'em a check, or donate HERE. Finding a cure for ALS is something we can all get behind.
[via ALS, Facebook, Project Run, and WHO]