Illinois Man Builds Drivable Navy Destroyer Golf CartIllinois Man Builds Drivable Navy Destroyer Golf CartThis is a great tribute to a ship that helped make his uncle the man he was. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Flying Peter Pan Crashes On Set of Play, Delivers Line Like Nothing HappenedFlying Peter Pan Crashes On Set of Play, Delivers Line Like Nothing HappenedKids in plays should be a whole AFV category of its own. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Brandon Gibbs’ New Song is A Perfect Tribute to MomsBrandon Gibbs’ New Song is A Perfect Tribute to MomsWARNING: This song will make you cry. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
WATCH: Sticking Fireworks In a Raw TurkeyWATCH: Sticking Fireworks In a Raw TurkeyIt's all fun and games, but there is a good lesson to be learned here. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Evel Knievel Mini Bike To Raffle For Another CharityEvel Knievel Mini Bike To Raffle For Another CharityIt's great to see our listening family looking out for each other. Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels