Looking for a Media Job in Eastern Iowa? Work for TownsquareLooking for a Media Job in Eastern Iowa? Work for TownsquareLooking for a job in media in eastern Iowa? Townsquare is hiring!DanielleDanielle
Collins Radio In Cedar Rapids Played Crucial Role In Moon LandingCollins Radio In Cedar Rapids Played Crucial Role In Moon LandingCollins Radio in Cedar Rapids played a major role in the most important space mission of all time.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
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What Do Kids Want To Be When They Grow Up? A YouTube Star.What Do Kids Want To Be When They Grow Up? A YouTube Star.Do you remember the answer to the question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
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What Do You Want To Hear?What Do You Want To Hear?We want to make KRNA the BEST it can be! We are asking you for ideas and suggestions. Be nice, we have feelings too!Jaymz LarsonJaymz Larson
Lonely Man, 95, Calls Radio Show, Becomes Sensational In-Studio GuestLonely Man, 95, Calls Radio Show, Becomes Sensational In-Studio GuestAh, the power of radio.Staff WriterStaff Writer