This Is Why You’re Paying More For Halloween Chocolate In IowaThis Is Why You’re Paying More For Halloween Chocolate In IowaThe big candy-filled day is upon us and it's probably upon your credit card statement too.Sarah StringerSarah Stringer
Don’t Be The House That Hands Out BAD Candy!Don’t Be The House That Hands Out BAD Candy!Candy Corn? Circus Peanuts? Heck no!Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
How To Donate Your Extra Candy To The TroopsHow To Donate Your Extra Candy To The TroopsDon't want your kids eating all the candy they got for Halloween? Then donate your extras to our troops serving overseas! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Here Is How To Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy To U.S. Troops OverseasHere Is How To Donate Your Extra Halloween Candy To U.S. Troops OverseasDo you have extra Halloween candy? Donate it to our troops and say Thank You! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Friday Is The Best Day To Buy Your Halloween CandyFriday Is The Best Day To Buy Your Halloween CandyIf you wait too long, you'll be forced to hand out pencils on HalloweenJaymz LarsonJaymz Larson
Candy Makes Dentists RichCandy Makes Dentists RichA list that is so hard to resist, because they taste so good! Mike FerrisMike Ferris
The Best Halloween Candy Ever [PHOTOS]The Best Halloween Candy Ever [PHOTOS]Costumes were fun, the parties were great, but it was the CANDY that made Halloween my favorite holiday.Micki SlickMicki Slick