As someone who could never be a teacher, I want to give a special shoutout to teachers across the country today. I don't know how they do it. Molding the minds of young kids and trying to help prepare them for the real world is a responsibility not everyone can do.

I'm not smart enough nor do I have the amount of patience it takes to teach a class full of rambunctious kids. There were teachers I had growing up who I got along with and liked very much and I had teachers I didn't get along with very well and didn't mind when the class was over for the semester. The important thing I remember is I learned something from both.

Unsplash - This is Engineering RAEng
Unsplash - This is Engineering RAEng

As rewarding as it can be for teachers to help students unlock their full potential, there are states in America where teachers are better off working in. According to Wallet Hub, teaching is one of the lowest paying jobs that requires a bachelor's degree. Many teachers believe they're overworked and underpaid but there are some states that do a better job of protecting their teachers.

Wallet Hub used 24 indicators to find the most teacher-friendly states and 1 District of Columbia and some of the key factors they used were income growth potential, student-to-teacher ratio, and if the state has a digital learning plan. Where do you think Iowa ranks?

Source: WalletHub

Iowa falls pretty close to right in the middle. Out of the 50 states and 1 District of Columbia, Wallet Hub ranks Iowa as the 24th best state for teachers to live and work in. Iowa ranks 33 in opportunity & competition and 22 in Academic & Work Environment. Not a terrible score for Iowa but there's definitely room to improve and help Iowa's educators. The best state for teachers to live in is New York and the worst state according, to the study, is Hawaii.

Teachers are like modern-day superheroes and really deserve a lot better. I've always believed if you can read, write, and do simple math, you probably have a teacher to thank for it.

Movies That Iowans Watch When They Feel Like Garbage

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Weird Names Iowans Have Given to Their Pets

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