Residents in Strawberry Point, Iowa, learned late last night (July 11) that their city no longer has a fire department.

When people think of fire departments, normally we picture the image of a big red truck, men and women in their fire suits, and a giant water hose putting out some kind of fire. While putting out fires is a big part of what fire departments do, it's not the only emergency they respond to.

Firefighters are also responsible to help protect life and property in the event of a fire. They respond to and provide help when there is a collision on the road. They may be called for medical aid for an injury or illness. They may be called for situations involving hazardous materials. Any "technical" rescue may also involve a fire department, according to Ross Valley Fire.

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Strawberry Point Fire & Rescue

Strawberry Point has a population of around 1,100 people and those residents woke up on Thursday (July 11) with a fire department and then went to sleep without a fire department.

According to KCRG, at about 8:45 p.m. the Strawberry Point Fire Department ceased operations for a variety of reasons, mostly due to a lack of support from city officials. The decision came with a heavy heart and the department voluntarily made the unanimous decision to end operations. The lack of support has made day-to-day operations as well as recruitment difficult for the Fire Department.

Before ending all operations, the Strawberry Point Fire and Rescue team did contact other Fire and Rescue operations in the area, to make sure that Strawberry Point would receive coverage at this devastating time.

Here is the post that was shared on social media regarding the Fire Department ending their services.

Companies Based in Iowa

These companies all have one thing in common: They're based in the Hawkeye state.

Gallery Credit: Johnny Marks

Hilarious Iowa DOT Signs

Anyone else share a sense of humor with a state's Department of Transportation? Just me? Well, every Monday the Iowa Department of Transportation puts up a sometimes hilarious, sometimes straightforward message on their road signs across the state. This is called "message Monday" and Iowa DOT tries to entertain and educate drivers through these signs. Here are just a few of our favorites.

Gallery Credit: Kerri Mac

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