Can You Legally Drive a 4-Wheeler on Iowa Roads?
All Terrain Vehicles can be used in many different ways. You might have a few at your cabin that you enjoy taking on trails to explore nature. ATVs can also be used as a tool, which helps with landscaping, property maintenance, or farming.
During Iowa winters, you might notice someone using an ATV as a snow plow to clear off driveways or alleyways. Some people might use their ATV to help get them to their favorite hunting or fishing spot. The uses and possibilities for ATVs are endless. The most basic use for an ATV is to help someone get from point A to point B. They can help you navigate through certain terrain that you would not want your car to drive through or that your car can't drive through.
If you want to make a quick run to the gas station or liquor store, can you legally drive your ATV on public streets to get there? Right off the bat, I can already picture all of the ATVs I've seen sitting outside of gas stations in small Iowa towns. Is this one of those situations where this might be illegal but we just don't care or is this perfectly legal in Iowa?
Is It Legal?
If you live in one of Iowa's more populated cities like Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, etc, you seldom see an ATV just wheeling down Main Street. On special occasions, you might see someone using one to assist in a parade or using one at some kind of job site but you won't run into a rider headed to Hyvee to get groceries.

This is surely more common in Iowa's smaller towns. Someone might run a quick errand and hop on their 4-wheeler, make a quick stop, and head back home. Depending on the street being used, this might be perfectly legal, according to the Gazette.
"Under Iowa law, registered ATVs and UTVs can be used on undivided two-lane primary highways; unpaved gravel roads; paved, undivided two-lane secondary roads; and designated city streets, following the most direct route between places like parks, trails, and residences."
There are restrictions and safety requirements for riders who are using a 4-wheeler for on-road use. According to the Gazette, the vehicle must not exceed 35 mph, the driver needs to have their driver's license, the vehicle must be registered with the DNR, the driver must be 18+, and the driver must have proof of financial liability coverage.
ATVs must also only be operated on state highways and are not allowed to travel on four-lane/interstate roads. It is also important to remember that Iowa allows each city to set its laws for off-highway vehicles. Some cities/towns are more lenient than others.
This is the perfect time to remind you that *I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Please speak with your lawyer or local law enforcement about using ATVs on public roads.*
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