It happens, people move. They move for work, family, retirement a fresh start... any combination of those things. While Iowa is growing in population, even at a slower rate than the national average, people still leave.

But when people exit the Hawkeye State, where do they typically go?

Recently, we looked at where most people are coming from when they move to Iowa. So today, we'll go in the opposite direction to see where (former) Iowans move.

States Taking in the Most Iowans

When someone moves, it's often not alone. Married couples with kids, or even just a twosome is quite common. For a lot of natives of any state who move, it's often for college, or a job fresh out of college. My two sisters-in-law, both native Iowans, each moved to Minnesota for jobs

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It may not surprise you at all that most people who leave Iowa do not leave the Midwest.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

So where are former Iowans going? We have the top 40 states they move to, thanks to information compiled by Stacker, listed down below. Of the 49 other U.S. states, we have the top 40 that Iowans head to when they leave.

As you'll see, and as I mentioned above, most people stay in the Midwest when they leave. That was similar to our list of what states send the most people to Iowa.

The first non-Midwestern state Iowans move to is, probably unsurprisingly, Florida. Arizona is also in the top 10. These are the two biggest states Midwesterners snowbird or move to after retiring.

Let's take a look at where Iowans go when they say "farewell" to the Hawkeye State!

LOOK: Where people in Iowa are moving to most

Stacker compiled a list of states where people from Iowa are moving to the most using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

That's a Big Boy! The Biggest Baby Ever Born in Iowa

Babies come in all shapes and sizes. Here in the U.S., the average baby weighs between 5 pounds 11 1/2 ounces and 8 pounds 5 3/4 ounces at birth.

More than 80 percent of all babies are born within this range, but there are always outliers, and some babies are anything but "little" when they're born.

While most babies are between 5 and 8 pounds, occasionally they get much bigger. And you won't believe how big this baby got.

Gallery Credit: Andy Gott