Illinois Zoo Offers Ultimate Revenge On Ex For Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day isn't always a happy holiday so if you've recently been dumped by your significant other, here's a way you can get the ultimate revenge in Illinois.
Name A Cockroach After Your Ex For Valentine's Day In Illinois
I believe Valentine's Day is one of those "love it" or "hate it" kind of holidays. Some couples go all out and it's their favorite day of the year. Even if you don't go all in with the festivities you can still have a great day with your someone special.
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There are a lot of people who just despise Valentine's Day for one reason or another. I think many times it's because of a break-up. If you're single on the holiday, it definitely sucks. Especially, if your ex freshly dumped you and they've already moved on.

I think most scorn lovers would love to get revenge on their former partner for breaking their heart. Unfortunately, there really isn't a tasteful way to pull it off without looking like a complete jerk. What if I told you there was a chance to get back at them?
Don't worry, this won't get you into any trouble. In fact, it's helping out a great cause. Once again, Brookfield Zoo in Illinois is offering you the unique opportunity to name a cockroach after your ex.
A small donation of just $15 can get this done. You'll receive a certificate to hang on your wall or maybe to even send it to your ex. Also, the zoo will post the name of your cockroach in the zoo for all to see. I think it will help you feel better.