Two Iowa Towns Mark New and Old Time-Honored Holiday Tradition
Mike Condon of Cedar Rapids has proudly donated this year's official city Christmas tree to Cedar Rapids. The tree has been on his property since before he and his family moved to Cedar Rapids in 2009, and according to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, but in the past few years has outgrown its space.
When the city went looking for an official city Christmas tree in 2021, Condon knew he had the perfect tree for their purposes. It's a good thing he let the tree sit because the city came calling again this year, ready to take the tree off his hands. By October, when the city contacted him, the blue spruce had grown to 35 feet, at least level if not slightly above the apex of his home.
We’ve always kind of said it would make a really good Christmas tree some time,” Condon said. “And now it's going to be
The tree was transported to and set up in Green Square Park on Monday, November 28. Crews will decorate it and have it ready for the official tree lighting at 5:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 3. Check out the cool time-lapse of the transportation process from Cedar Rapids Rapids Parks & Recreation.
Prior to the lighting ceremony, there will be remarks from Cedar Rapids mayor Tiffany O'Donnell, as well as family activities at Green Square starting at 4 p.m., including family activities at the downtown Cedar Rapids Public Library and adjacent Greene Square, including a scavenger hunt and “reindeer games.”
This is Cedar Rapids' 26th official city Christmas tree lightning, but an adjacent town is scheduled for its first-ever such event, when Hiawatha lights its own city holiday tree on Wednesday, December 7.
Their big night begins from 5-8 p.m. with the Hiawatha Holiday Market at Hiawatha Community Center. Pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus will be taken from 5:30-6:15 at Village Center Plaza, with the inaugural city tree lighting taking place at 6:30.